Are you looking to invest during a recession but have no idea where to start? The specialists at Scotch Whisky Investments have the solution for you!
Investing during recession
Investing during a recession. We understand that it doesn't sound entirely logical. Because you probably understand yourself that confidence is low during a recession and that company profits also decrease, which can cause shares to fall quickly and sharply. In fact, it can easily happen during a recession that companies do not survive the recession and therefore go bankrupt. However, you can invest in a smart way during a recession, with little risk and a high chance of a stable return. You can do this by investing in whisky. Scotch Whisky Investments can help you from A to Z with investing in whisky, so that you can bring stability to your investment portfolio.
Why invest in whisky during a recession?
We hear you thinking: why exactly would I invest in whisky during a recession? There are several reasons for this, which ultimately come down to the fact that you run little risk when investing in whisky. More and more serious investors have been investing in whisky in recent years. The reason for this is that the drink, and in particular Scotch single malt whisky, has a high historical increase in value. Scotch single malt whisky has a historical increase in value of 6.6% per year and after the whisky has reached 25 years, the price increases exponentially. Whisky that is at least 25 years old is a scarce product - it simply cannot be produced in less than 25 years - and demand, on the other hand, continues to rise. As a result, the price of whisky fluctuates much less than the price of, for example, shares, bonds and crypto, and you therefore run less risk.
This in turn means that you can then build on a stable return.
Scotch Whisky Investments is happy to help you build such a stable investment portfolio, without you having to do much yourself. Because if you decide to do business with us, you can rest assured that we will support you from start to finish. We buy the Scottish single malt whisky for you, ensure good storage and quality management, and at the end of the ride we also help you sell the whisky. In this way, we know for sure that you will not lack anything under our guidance and you can enjoy carefree capital growth. You can choose different ways to get involved with us to start investing during a recession, or of course outside of it. Want to know what the possibilities are? Then check the options here, request a brochure without obligation or contact our specialists directly!
Experience, future-oriented and a good purchasing position
The experienced specialists at Scotch Whisky Investments have been investing in whisky for years and therefore know exactly what is involved in investing during a recession. A sharp eye for the future combined with a good purchasing position with Scottish distilleries ensure that we have now become a large, international trading house in the field of whisky. In addition, we not only have a head office in the centrally located Sassenheim, but we also have our own bonded warehouse in Scotland. Here we are responsible for the whisky barrels from raw material to end product, which means that we have complete control over the quality management of the whisky ourselves and are therefore not faced with any unpleasant surprises.
Safe investment during a recession? Then contact us!
Do you see the advantages of investing during a recession without risk? And do you think that the specialists at Scotch Whisky Investments can be of good service to you in this? Good to know! You can contact us in various ways, so that you can ask all your questions to our specialists and brainstorm about the possibilities that we offer you. We can be reached by telephone on 0252-222011, while you can also reach us by email (info@scotchwhiskyinvestments.com). Together we go for a golden, carefree future!